
Addiction Recovery Guide (Page 11)

Does Medicare cover addiction

Substance abuse and addiction are two serious, usually undetected issues among older adults. Addiction usually goes undetected in seniors since many symptoms from common senior conditions are similar to substance abuse. However, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has confirmed that at least 17% of seniors 60 and older suffer from alcohol and/or prescription addiction. There... ❯❯❯

A Beginner’s Guide to Vaping CBD

What is CBD? CBD is the liquid form of concentrated Cannabidiol, which is part of the plants in the cannabis family. The cannabis plant family includes hemp and marijuana, and CBD oil can be extracted from both plants. Although it is not currently approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), studies have shown that cannabidiol has all the medical properties, and none of the other side-effect... ❯❯❯

There Are Multiple Options For Recovery

There Are Multiple Options For RecoveryIt is challenging to find an addiction treatment option to treat every addict since they all come from different backgrounds and cultures. At A Forever Recovery, they have put together a handful of programs patients can choose from be it the faith-based, the 12-step program, holistic, cognitive, etc. Since everyone is different, a one-program-fits-all approach is tough to impose. At A Forever... ❯❯❯

5 Signs You Have an Alcohol Addiction Problem

A whopping 15 million adults, or 6.2% of the population, in the USA, develop an alcohol abuse disorder by the age of 21. Nearly 87% of adults have stated they tried alcohol by the age of 18, 70% had a drink in the past year, and 56% drank alcohol in the past month. It is no wonder that alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the country. Alcohol is accessible and socially accepted in all... ❯❯❯

Common Risk Factors That Contribute To Both Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

It is not uncommon for individuals who live with mental illness to develop a drug addiction or vice versa—for those with a drug addiction to receive a mental illness diagnosis. In fact, findings reveal that as many as one in four individuals who have a serious mental illness also live with a substance abuse disorder. In youths, that number is much higher. Though there are fewer studies on the... ❯❯❯

Why Choosing to Go to Rehab Abroad May Be Best for You

Why Choosing to Go to Rehab Abroad May Be Best for YouGoing to rehab is a big decision and one that should not be taken lightly. Whether you or a loved one is fighting with a mental illness, drug or alcohol abuse, gambling or any other addiction, choosing to go to rehab abroad may be better suited, and here’s why. Royalty Free Photo Nicer Weather Many people who are struggling enough to consider rehab are probably feeling anxious or depressed.... ❯❯❯

How Vaping Helps Smokers Quit Cigarettes

How Vaping Helps Smokers Quit CigarettesImage from Unsplash Wholesale vaping supply has become popular which is an essential factor in helping people quit smoking. Various people quit smoking when they discover vapes. While smoking is addictive due to the presence of nicotine, vapes have proved to make people stop smoking even those who not want to quit.This page discussed how vape helps smokers to quit cigarettes. Vapes have added... ❯❯❯

How To Choose The Right Cosmetic Surgeon

How To Choose The Right Cosmetic SurgeonImage from Perhaps you're still in the process of deciding if cosmetic surgery is the perfect choice for you. Maybe you know the procedure that's required for you to achieve that dream look. Regardless, the most significant decision that you'll make is choosing the right cosmetic surgeon to help you acquire your dreams as you make yourself happy throughout the process. Here are some... ❯❯❯

5 Signs That Someone Has an Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol can be fun when consumed responsibly. You and your friends can go out for a drink after work and feel more relaxed or you can enjoy a bottle of wine with dinner to add flavor to the meal. Unfortunately, alcohol is also quite addictive. According to one study, nearly 13 percent of the population are alcoholics. If your loved one exhibits any of the following symptoms, he or she may have an... ❯❯❯

Ten Health Risks of Chronic Heavy Drinking

Society tends to look at alcohol as a harmless substance to use on a regular basis. Long-term chronic alcohol use can and does have health ramifications that are distressing and should push anyone towards wanting to get help to stop drinking. Get free by seeking the expert alcohol rehab Virginia residents count on to regain full, vibrant health. Blackouts and Memory Loss Chronic bouts of... ❯❯❯