
5 Signs You Have an Alcohol Addiction Problem

A whopping 15 million adults, or 6.2% of the population, in the USA, develop an alcohol abuse disorder by the age of 21. Nearly 87% of adults have stated they tried alcohol by the age of 18, 70% had a drink in the past year, and 56% drank alcohol in the past month. It is no wonder that alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the country. Alcohol is accessible and socially accepted in all regions, making it easier to become addicted. 

With the prevalence of binge drinking (five or more drinks on one occasion on the same day) or heavy drinking (five or more drinks five or more days in a row), alcoholism has risen steadily over the decades. Often used to self-medicate, such as escape reality or temporarily forget trauma, alcoholism has negative impacts on the person’s life. 

Recognizing the symptoms is the first step on the road to recovery. Alcohol addiction treatment is imperative to receive the help needed to return to a sober life. 

Five Signs of Alcohol Addiction

Doctors often use the CAGE questionnaire. It measures the severity and can help to indicate the problem. 

  • Have you ever felt you should Cut down on your drinking?
  • Have people Annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
  • Have you ever felt bad or Guilty about your drinking?
  • Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning (Eye-opener to steady your nerves or get over a hangover?

And it’s a great start to taking a closer look at habits regarding alcohol. But there are other questions one should answer, and answer honestly. The symptoms are important and these five are crucial to understanding the definite symptoms of alcohol addiction.

A common one that is also socially acceptable and easily missed: making excuses to drink, such as stress, to relax, or to bring feelings of normalcy. The “much-needed” drink after work, several glasses of wine before, during, and after dinner, the often-repeated comment, “I need a drink after today” are all possible indicators of an alcohol addiction problem. 

Drinking alone or in secrecy, and becoming isolated from family and friends. It’s a way to hide and prevent others from trying to suggest alcohol addiction treatment or performing an intervention to get help for the addiction. Alcoholics may feel guilty about their behavior when under the influence and will rely on avoidance instead. 

Experiencing short-term memory loss, or blackouts. Due to heavy drinking, those with alcohol abuse disorder will consume enough to create holes in their memory, also known as blackouts. Another side effect is short-term memory loss to the point that events before and after the time of drinking are also lost.  

Choosing to drink instead of competing obligations and responsibilities. By making excuses, some will avoid working, cleaning, completing necessary errands or paying bills. It can lead to homelessness, a feeling of isolation, and other problems. 

Mood swings and irritability dominate the emotional landscape of a person with an alcohol abuse disorder. They also change the group they hang out with and their appearance.  

Seek Professional Assistance

Alcohol addiction treatment needs professional guidance and care in a specialized treatment facility. By participating in a program specifically built to handle alcoholism, it increases the chances of recovery and long-term sobriety. If you need help with alcohol treatment you may want to check out alcohol treatment at detox of South Florida.

While many alcoholics hide in denial of the problem, recognizing the signs and the symptoms will bring a healthy and sober lifestyle closer to reality. 

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