
Understanding Drug Use and Addiction

Addiction is a chronic illness in which the afflicted individual cannot control certain behaviors in spite of the negative consequences they bring. Drugs affect the “reward system” in the brain, which causes a surge in the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for giving people a euphoric or “high” feeling.

A drug addiction is a severe, chronic condition that causes detrimental psychological and physical effects, yet the sufferer cannot give up their compulsion without help. Sometimes they even rationalize their behavior. Families and friends may have noticed the change in behavior in the early stages of the addiction but it may not have occurred to them that their loved one was fighting an addiction. But there is help, and using evidence-based practices, sufferers of addictions can reclaim their lives and live healthily again.

It Happens To The Best of Families

Substance abuse can affect the whole family. Spouses, parents, children, siblings, and even extended family members can find themselves enmeshed in a difficult situation where they have to care for a loved one with an addiction. Substance disorder treatment can help families heal the pain of years of abuse. Using evidence-based therapeutic techniques, family members with addiction can work through their compulsions, anxiety, dependency, and learn how to effectively manage their emotions and impulses.

Healing Emotional Trauma

A substance disorder can be a coping mechanism for people who feel they are unable to control their lives. The circumstances they faced could have been very serious indeed, such as the loss of a job, dealing with death, or working in an extremely competitive environment. Some people develop addictions at very young ages, whereas others may not develop an addiction until their adult years. Regardless of when it was developed, it’s important to understand the life circumstances and environment as factors in one having difficulty with an addiction. Learning effective strategies to manage reactions helps many people to face stressful situations with a new sense of control. People who are working on overcoming an addiction need a lot of compassion, and it’s up to doctors, nurses, and other mental health care providers to consistently practice with empathy.

The Person Matters

An addiction is a very private, personal issue that is actually quite common. But given how personal it is, it’s important to treat the individual and get to know who they are. Compassion starts with remembering that we treat human beings, not patients. These are people whose individual histories must be respected. Patience is important when helping individuals overcome an addiction. It takes time to overcome deep wounds or fears that may be fueling the addiction, and it is vital that sufferers feel supported. The support of the knowledgeable staff at a drug treatment center in TN can save you or your loved one.

It is important to keep in mind that people share similarities and that several studies have shown that most people share the same withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, they may feel estranged from their bodies as they adjust to daily sobriety, and the ensuing change on one’s thinking patterns as a result of no longer being chemically dependent can cause intense emotional reactions. Additionally, progress is not linear. Sometimes, sufferers will express guilt or regret for quitting during moments of an intense craving. While everyone’s journey through recovery is different, all will face challenges that our staff is ready to respond to.

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