
Addiction Recovery Guide (Page 10)

4 Ways Addiction Can Wreck Your Life

Addiction can lead to car accidents, domestic violence, divorce and separation, bankruptcy, and even death. Addiction is a malediction It could be alcohol, smoking, ladies of the night, and many other pleasurable ills. When one is addicted to something, he or she will often have difficulty thinking clearly. As people go through life chasing after the next high, nothing else may matter. Blame it... ❯❯❯

The Hidden Costs of Addiction

The cost of addiction spreads far beyond the price of the substance, financially and emotionally impacting the individual, his or her friends and family members, and employers. Addiction often leads to legal problems for the user. Substance abuse can also cause chronic health conditions or even death. Family Dynamics It is a trying time when a family member is struggling with substance abuse.... ❯❯❯

Ways To Fight Addiction In the Midst of a Pandemic

What a time we’re living in. A pandemic is upon us, there are riots in the streets, and the stock market is collapsing. 2020 has been a rough year for all ages and people groups, and one group in particular has had an especially difficult time: recovering addicts. If you identify with this, it’s ok to feel that way. Many aren’t aware of the stress and anxiety you’re facing as well as the... ❯❯❯

What to Look for in Your Florida Detox Center

What to Look for in Your Florida Detox CenterCongratulations are in order--you’ve made the tough decision and are looking for help for your drug or alcohol addiction! The next decision should be easy, right? Well, if you’re struggling to decide where to start your drug and alcohol addiction detox, asking yourself some important questions might help. Why a Florida Drug & Alcohol Detox Center? If you’re not a Florida resident, you might be... ❯❯❯

Drug Detox And You, Are You Ready For A Change This 2020

If you or someone you know is suffering from or at risk of an alcohol addiction, take the next step and reach out to a specialist. The (WHO) World Health Organization reports that in 275 million individuals worldwide in the year 2016 used an illicit drug. While not everyone that uses a drug will end up being addicted to it, only some do. This addiction to drugs and alcohol influences millions... ❯❯❯

How Does Gambling Effect Relationships?

How Does Gambling Effect Relationships?America’s love affair with gambling began long before Bugsy Siegel ever opened the Flamingo Hotel and Casino in 1946. Gambling has been traced back to China in 200 BC. It is the quintessential equalizer because anyone with a bet down has the same chance of winning. Unfortunately, the house always wins in the end. Gambling is an extremely addictive habit that bankrupts hardworking people and... ❯❯❯

Understanding Drug Use and Addiction

Understanding Drug Use and AddictionAddiction is a chronic illness in which the afflicted individual cannot control certain behaviors in spite of the negative consequences they bring. Drugs affect the “reward system” in the brain, which causes a surge in the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for giving people a euphoric or “high” feeling. A drug addiction is a severe, chronic condition that causes detrimental... ❯❯❯

Does Medicare cover addiction

Substance abuse and addiction are two serious, usually undetected issues among older adults. Addiction usually goes undetected in seniors since many symptoms from common senior conditions are similar to substance abuse. However, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has confirmed that at least 17% of seniors 60 and older suffer from alcohol and/or prescription addiction. There... ❯❯❯

A Beginner’s Guide to Vaping CBD

What is CBD? CBD is the liquid form of concentrated Cannabidiol, which is part of the plants in the cannabis family. The cannabis plant family includes hemp and marijuana, and CBD oil can be extracted from both plants. Although it is not currently approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), studies have shown that cannabidiol has all the medical properties, and none of the other side-effect... ❯❯❯

There Are Multiple Options For Recovery

There Are Multiple Options For RecoveryIt is challenging to find an addiction treatment option to treat every addict since they all come from different backgrounds and cultures. At A Forever Recovery, they have put together a handful of programs patients can choose from be it the faith-based, the 12-step program, holistic, cognitive, etc. Since everyone is different, a one-program-fits-all approach is tough to impose. At A Forever... ❯❯❯