
Addiction Recovery Guide (Page 12)

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Rehabilitation Center For Your Loved One

Drug addiction is a problem affecting very many people all over the world. In America alone, millions of people are suffering from drug addiction. Having a loved one who is struggling with drug addiction is a heartbreaking situation to be in. However, you are the one who should be looking out for him/her to make sure that he/she does not just continue sinking deeper and deeper into drug addiction.... ❯❯❯

Why it is Important to Choose the Right Recovery Facility for Addiction

Why it is Important to Choose the Right Recovery Facility for AddictionIt is very important to choose the right rehab facility for several reasons. Remember, your choice of treatment facility has a huge impact in the success of your rehab. Although any rehab you choose will help you get better but some of them offer better and faster results than others. In the real sense, no rehab is wrong for you but you just need to consider a few important factors in the choice... ❯❯❯

How To Identify And Manage Addiction Triggers

How To Identify And Manage Addiction TriggersAddiction triggers are something that you have to be aware of, and you need to remember that you can avoid these things and manage. Managing your own life will change the way that you feel, and you could become the person who knows how to get around their own addiction. You will build a lot of self-awareness, and you will start to be in a place where you can go out and not have to worry about... ❯❯❯

The Bridge Between Addiction and Sobriety

A Long Road Addiction is a terrible thing. Drugs have a unique method of changing the activity of one's brain. Because it is wired to promote things and activities that cause pleasure, a positive experience given by a drug often leaves the brain craving for more. Unfortunately, constant use of this drug means that dopamine levels within the brain are eventually depleted. To feel happy at all,... ❯❯❯

Teen Substance and Alcohol Abuse - What Parents Can Do

In a 2017 Monitoring the Future survey conducted by the NIH, stats showed a decline in the use of drugs among teens. But despite the lower levels, the rates are still concerning for vigilant parents. Almost 1 in 10 students in 10th grade use drugs other than marijuana. And 9.4 percent of 10th graders and 13.3 percent of students in 12th grade are using drugs. There are various approaches that... ❯❯❯

Alcohol Addiction – Understanding Why Can Help You Gain Full Recovery

It’s hard to break free from any addiction but, the first important step is to recognize that there is a problem and to do something about it. Although many people drink socially and without dependency forming, when you think about it, perhaps it is not surprising that alcohol addictions occur. In society today, we do not view alcohol in the same way as other addictive substances and yet, alcohol... ❯❯❯

Perks of Art Therapy for Addiction

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ­ ~ Pablo Picasso The idea of getting off an addiction seems nice but coping up is hard. It’s a time consuming journey which needs all our resolve. You just can’t rush through it, it needs patience and will power. It can be a painful ride. The best way to heal is to focus your energy and channelize it towards something creative... ❯❯❯

Activities That Can Help With Drug Addictions

There are several diverse activities that can help someone overcome addiction and provide numerous benefits to both the body and mind. These activities allow you to grow physically, mentally and even spiritually. Even with a strong support network for those going through recovery, there are other physical activities that can help someone who has been focused on drugs, construct a new life. The... ❯❯❯

Defeating Opiate Dependency for a Drug-Free Life

Opiate dependency has been a quiet problem plaguing the country that was rarely talked about. This all changed when the death rates for accidental overdose hit a sudden all-time high. Withdrawal from these drugs is the major barrier that has to be defeated in order to successfully beat the dependency for good. Opiate Dependency On the Rise There has been a remarkable and steady rise in reported... ❯❯❯

How to Deal With Dementia with Love and Assurance

How to Deal With Dementia with Love and AssuranceMemories last forever but when dementia strikes a loved one, those memories will fade away – forever. Dementia is a permanent condition wherein a person’s ability to remember important events or people diminishes over time. The most common type is Alzheimer’s disease. Sufferers tend to forget things, names, and even how to take care of themselves. They are not productive and even simple daily... ❯❯❯