
There Are Multiple Options For Recovery

It is challenging to find an addiction treatment option to treat every addict since they all come from different backgrounds and cultures. At A Forever Recovery, they have put together a handful of programs patients can choose from be it the faith-based, the 12-step program, holistic, cognitive, etc. Since everyone is different, a one-program-fits-all approach is tough to impose.

At A Forever Recovery, they offer a moral reasoning approach to recovery from addiction in order for every patient find their own path to recovery with the spiritual, cognitive, and fellowship support they need. Treating people as individuals to heal the mind, body, and spirit is how they care for their patients. Not only do they offer many different paths to recovery, they also recognize the process of overcoming addiction only begins once the drugs and alcohol are out of the body, after the withdrawal stage.

Due to the fact that they do provide different options for the most individualized and effective treatment program for every person, the path to healing at A Forever Recovery begins with empowerment. This is the most crucial aspect in all practices required for a sustainable recovery. The method of tackling everyday stressors and triggers, rebuilding broken relationships, looking for and keeping a job, and juggling these while staying sober and healthy can be scary and overwhelming. A Forever Recovery knows the struggles related to an addict returning home to their family and friends. At A Forever Recovery, they know there are insights; communication and coping skills that must be worked on at multiple levels within the inner circle of a recovering addict returning home. This will help ease the addict’s sustained sobriety. A Forever Recovery’s aftercare program is crucial and tailored precisely to the needs of each individual and their inner circle before they leave treatment.

At A Forever Recovery, they desire the same outcome as the families and friends of their patients. The goal is for them to be blissful, healthy and always making the best decisions for them and the steps towards recovery. Before treatment ends, they develop a plan with the patients, which cover all aspects of their life beyond the facility walls. A Forever Recovery helps create connections to support groups and religious institutions to ease the persistence of healthy recovery-minded activities. If you know someone who needs to go to rehab in Portland, please contact A Forever Recovery. Every day matters therefore it is important to get in touch as soon as possible.

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