
Addiction Recovery Guide (Page 13)

Choosing the Right Body Sample for a Drug Test

Choosing the Right Body Sample for a Drug TestDrug use can have an adverse effect on students and working employees. Drug addicts are likely to change jobs frequently than non-substance users. They are also prone to workplace accidents, and are tend to be less productive. Drug users are found to be inconsistent in their daily activities, like toggling between home and work, making a presentation, and other such activities. The government... ❯❯❯

Ibogaine Treatment: An Alternative Approach to Ending Addiction

Finding the right addiction treatment is vital when it comes to finding lasting freedom. And, just as different as each addiction is, approaches to treating addiction can differ greatly as well. Not every person addicted to drugs or alcohol is going to find the freedom they’re looking for in one specific treatment, which is why it’s imperative that they know all options available. One such... ❯❯❯

US Addiction Services Provide Advice on Sober Living

Have you ever listened to someone refer to a past addiction from which they’ve been clean for a very long period of time? You will rarely hear them say “I am a recovered addict.” Why? Because that is one of the biggest mistakes an addict can make and that is to overestimate the power your drug of choice has over you. What you will hear them say is “I am a recovering addict,” meaning it is an... ❯❯❯

Don’t Let a Mental Health Problem Go Untreated

If you have been in the throes of a mental health issue, do you see a light at the end of the tunnel? Unfortunately, millions of Americans not only deal with mental health issues on a daily basis, but they know of someone (in some cases multiple people) in the same situation. Those situations can range from mild mental health issues to ones putting a person on the edge of death. That said what... ❯❯❯

Put Substance Abuse in the Rearview Mirror

When women are dealing with substance abuse, the outcome will typically go in one of two directions. On the one hand, they will overcome their addiction/s, allowing them to return to the once normal life they knew before drugs entered their lives. On the flip side, they can be beset with years of heartache, both physically and emotionally. When that takes place, the road back may seem too far... ❯❯❯

Is It Time to Enter Drug Rehab?

Whether you have been battling a drug addiction for a short period of time or for quite some time now, the goal is to eradicate it. Doing so however can seem quite daunting at times. The challenge of rising above drugs and getting your life back in order that may seem too tall a mountain to climb. For the millions of people dealing with drug addictions, the biggest challenge is oftentimes just... ❯❯❯

Take Care of Your Drug Addiction

When one is battling a drug addiction, he or she has only so many chances to overcome it. For those that do score a victory, it is likely because of they went to a treatment center, had supportive family and friends by their side, and they were committed to winning the battle. In the event your biggest battle right now is drugs, can you win? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to come out on... ❯❯❯

Can You Kick Drugs to the Curb?

If you find yourself in a war against drugs, you really have no choice but to do everything possible to win. As anyone having successfully fought such a battle can tell you, the alternative is not very appealing. From living a life that is void of family and friends to possibly even not having a life to live, drugs can ruin relationships, jobs, financial security and much more. In order for you... ❯❯❯

Six Simple Strategies That Can Help You Overcome Alcohol Addiction

These days, millions of people all over the world are caught in the deadly grip of an alcohol addiction. This disease can cause a wide range of problems in an individual's personal life, and it can also hamper the person's ability to perform well on the job. However, there are numerous strategies you can implement to overcome alcohol addiction and begin leading a healthier life. Here are six of... ❯❯❯

Qualities of a Great Rehab Facility

Are you looking for a place where you will be able to receive dual-diagnosis addiction treatment? You need to be very selective because the quality of care that some facilities will give you is less than satisfactory. Many people make the mistake of believing that all rehab facilities are the same for the most part. This misconception leads many people to check into rehab facilities that are not... ❯❯❯