
Addiction Recovery Guide (Page 18)

How to Set Reasonable Goals on Your Way to Eating Disorder Recovery

Although a lot of attention in the healthcare world is paid to major diseases such as cancer and leukemia, eating disorders can be just as deadly serious. They plague young people, especially girls, and can cause lasting body image issues, physical ailments and worse. It takes a true commitment to overcome these problems, much as a drug addict faces on the road to recovery. But with the right... ❯❯❯

Helping Yourself Get Over Your Alcoholism

Alcohol is one of the most common vices that most people get addicted to, and why not you ask? Well, drinking is so widely accepted that it can be a part of your daily routine. Drinking is not necessarily bad but it will be too hard to determine if you are just an average consumer of alcohol or if you’re addicted to it. Once you’re addicted to alcohol, you will find it hard to quit drinking by... ❯❯❯

Sober Home Living

The full recovery of a patient from addiction must not stop after undergoing a rehabilitation treatment. It is the most crucial stage in a patient’s recovery since the urge of slipping back to their former habits is high. This is the reason why sober homes are very essential for those people who are aspiring to have a renewed life. The best resource when finding the perfect sober living home is... ❯❯❯

5 Inspirational Quotes About Addiction and Recovery

Surviving addiction and staying on the path of recovery are by no means easy to accomplish. As many addicts attest, you will never be a non-alcoholic, but always a recovering alcoholic. It is a lifelong process. But you aren’t the first one to go through it and you certainly won’t be the last. So if you’re looking for a little inspiration to see you through the hard times, here are just a few... ❯❯❯

The Importance of a Support System in Drug Addiction Treatment

Recovering from substance abuse and addiction is not an easy road, but at the end is the ability to live a healthy, happy, and productive life free of drugs. There are many reasons why people become addicted to drugs, including genetics, environmental factors, mental issues, or even just a failure to recognize when simple fun has gone too far and crossed the line into addictive behavior, just for... ❯❯❯

Signs Someone is Addicted to Benzodiazapines

Signs Someone is Addicted to BenzodiazapinesBenzodiazepine is drug commonly used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It affects the chemicals in the brain and helps to fix any imbalances which may be causing mental issues. The use of the drug is still controversial with many questioning its effects on the very young, very old and pregnant. While most medical professionals will tell you that the drug is safe and indeed very effective in... ❯❯❯

How to Help a Drug Addict

How to Help a Drug AddictOften times, when people mention "drug addiction" they associate it with crime and depravity. What most don't realize is that behind the addiction are actual people and their families who love them even in their suffering. The association with criminal elements has made it very easy to dismiss drug addicts as hopeless, but what many forget is that what a drug addict needs most is help. A proper... ❯❯❯

What You Can Do For Your Loved One With An Addiction

What You Can Do For Your Loved One With An AddictionSeeing someone you care about battling with addiction of any kind is a very emotional experience. We think the more you are educated about addiction, the better your chances are of being able to reach out to the affected person and help them through the whole experience. This is why today we have decided to focus not on what the person with addiction should look out for and do to get the help... ❯❯❯

Busting the Sobriety Myths: 5 Lies about Addiction Recovery

A lot of addicts suffer from delusion and denial when deep in the throes of their addiction; and 'making up' reasons why they can not stay sober is just part of the process. But if you haven't found recovery yet, take it from one who knows, most of the screwy things you've been telling yourself are downright lies. You may have come to believe some of these myths through fear of change, or... ❯❯❯

Links between Alcohol and Depression

Links between Alcohol and Depression Drinking alcohol, when done in moderation, is a great social activity and can even have some health benefits. But its short-term positive effects lead some to use it as a form of self-medication when dealing with a depressive illness. Used in this way, alcohol has a detrimental effect on recovery since it is in fact a 'depressant', not an anti-depressant,... ❯❯❯