Alternative forms of treating the body are gaining popularity these days, and massage therapy is no exception. Many people, however, still believe that massage is just something to be used to relax. Although relaxation is absolutely one of the benefits of massage therapy, it’s only part of the picture. There are many benefits, both physical and mental, to treatment by massage therapy. As trendy... ❯❯❯
Many would agree that addiction is a disease that can be very difficult for anyone to live with. Most often, addiction affects every aspects of a person’s life and will even affect the people that they know and care about. Friends and family of a person suffering from addiction may want to help, but have no idea how. Helping someone with addiction can be difficult, but that help could be the one... ❯❯❯
As another new year approaches, many people are looking to establish some new goals or finally achieve some of the old goals they have been working towards for a long time. This mindset is common during the New Year, but it often is lost by the time February comes around. Setting goals alone is difficult, much less achieving them, so it is easy to understand why these issues are still so common. ... ❯❯❯
Just because you are in recovery from alcohol addiction and are living a sober lifestyle does not mean that you can’t still have fun. Many people equate having a good time at a party with drinking, but there is much more to it than that. As you feel stronger in your ability to overcome cravings and temptation, you may decide to spend more time with friends or go to parties and other events. And... ❯❯❯
Addiction continues to affect millions of lives around the world every day. Many people struggle with addiction their entire lives and are always left wondering why they cannot break this cycle. There are a lot of factors that could affect a person’s ability to recover, and these factors may be different for everyone, but there is one factor that is commonly passed over when people are looking to... ❯❯❯
There are so many things that we as moms have to worry about. Sometimes with everything going on in our lives we forget to take care of ourselves. There is an old saying that a happy mom makes a happy family. Well that works for healthy moms to. Even though motherhood can be overwhelming, stressful, frustrating at times, it can also be glorious and important. Here are some tips that can help us... ❯❯❯
There is a lot of published information which indicates that drug abuse is at all all-time high. In fact, according to the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, close to 9 percent of the people ages 12 and up surveyed said that they used illicit drugs in the month before the survey. Also, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in that same year, over 2 million of the emergency... ❯❯❯
Drug and alcohol addiction is something that few people can overcome on their own. Even with help the process is difficult. And if you remain in the environment that fostered your addictive behavior and continue spending time with other addicts, your chances for successful rehabilitation decrease significantly. This is the main reason why inpatient rehabilitation facilities exist. And while you... ❯❯❯
Hip or knee surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures. In fact, if you are an athlete, senior or anyone that has spent a lifetime working on their feet or doing any strenuous activity, your doctor may have mentioned these types of surgeries. But while these types of surgery are common, the recovery time can be long and painful. Most of the time, you are required to stay off your feet... ❯❯❯
If you’ve ever experienced back pain before, you know how debilitating it can be. And sometimes, when the pain will not go away or there is an underlying cause in our spine or muscles, our doctors will recommend that we have surgery so that the issue can be corrected. And while the surgery will ultimately help your back to feel better, there is a recovery time that we’ll need to undergo in order... ❯❯❯