Things to Do While you're Young for Peace of Mind Later in Life
The time to start thinking about your future is when you're in your twenties and early thirties, not when you’re already just a few years away from retirement. By planning ahead and taking certain steps, you'll find yourself looking forward to the time when you no longer have to work for a living, rather than stressing about whether or not you have managed to save enough money. You will have peace of mind.
As soon as you start earning a paycheck, no matter how small it might seem, you need to start putting at least 25% of it into a retirement savings. You'll quickly learn how to live without this money and you will also be creating a habit of saving. By the time you reach 65 and decided to retire, you will be astounded by the amount of money you managed to put away.
In addition to the 25% of your income you're setting aside for your retirement, you also need to put a large chunk of your remaining income in a savings account. Don't make do anything like purchase a new car, rent a better apartment, or even get a pet until you have enough money in your savings account to cover 3 months of your expenses. Having the money available means that if something happens to your job, you have time to get back on your feet, financially speaking, without having to tap into the money you set aside for retirement.
You need to invest in a life insurance policy. You're young and you're healthy. Those two things together means that you will be able to get the policy for pennies on the dollar. If the worse happens, your funeral, medical, and other pressing bills will be taken care of. If you live long enough, you will be able to cash in the policy and re-invest the policy into your retirement account.
When it comes to your life insurance policy quotes, don't purchase the first one you see. Take your time and investigate all of your options. In addition to learning how much money the policy will cost each month, you also need to learn how long it will be before you can cash it in, how much money will be available if something bad does happen, and if there are any penalties if you have to cash in sooner than the date stated in the contract.
You owe it to yourself and your family to look into the reputation the life insurance company has before you sign a contract with them. Taking a few minutes to read through customer reviews and to check out the Better Business Bureau website could save you from sending a check to a fraudulent company.
Keep track of all your paperwork. The best, safest thing to do is to keep the original life insurance contracts and information regarding how much you have managed to save in a safe deposit box, and put copies in your home office files. Make arrangements to have a lawyer or a family member who you trust to handle your estate open the safe deposit box if something does happen to you.
When you take steps to invest in your future while you're still young, you're going to experience peace of mind that your friends who haven't started savings will ever be able to enjoy.
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