Surviving addiction and staying on the path of recovery are by no means easy to accomplish. As many addicts attest, you will never be a non-alcoholic, but always a recovering alcoholic. It is a lifelong process. But you aren’t the first one to go through it and you certainly won’t be the last. So if you’re looking for a little inspiration to see you through the hard times, here are just a few... ❯❯❯
Recovering from substance abuse and addiction is not an easy road, but at the end is the ability to live a healthy, happy, and productive life free of drugs. There are many reasons why people become addicted to drugs, including genetics, environmental factors, mental issues, or even just a failure to recognize when simple fun has gone too far and crossed the line into addictive behavior, just for... ❯❯❯
Benzodiazepine is drug commonly used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. It affects the chemicals in the brain and helps to fix any imbalances which may be causing mental issues. The use of the drug is still controversial with many questioning its effects on the very young, very old and pregnant. While most medical professionals will tell you that the drug is safe and indeed very effective in... ❯❯❯
Often times, when people mention "drug addiction" they associate it with crime and depravity. What most don't realize is that behind the addiction are actual people and their families who love them even in their suffering. The association with criminal elements has made it very easy to dismiss drug addicts as hopeless, but what many forget is that what a drug addict needs most is help. A proper... ❯❯❯
Seeing someone you care about battling with addiction of any kind is a very emotional experience. We think the more you are educated about addiction, the better your chances are of being able to reach out to the affected person and help them through the whole experience. This is why today we have decided to focus not on what the person with addiction should look out for and do to get the help... ❯❯❯
A lot of addicts suffer from delusion and denial when deep in the throes of their addiction; and 'making up' reasons why they can not stay sober is just part of the process. But if you haven't found recovery yet, take it from one who knows, most of the screwy things you've been telling yourself are downright lies. You may have come to believe some of these myths through fear of change, or... ❯❯❯
Links between Alcohol and Depression Drinking alcohol, when done in moderation, is a great social activity and can even have some health benefits. But its short-term positive effects lead some to use it as a form of self-medication when dealing with a depressive illness. Used in this way, alcohol has a detrimental effect on recovery since it is in fact a 'depressant', not an anti-depressant,... ❯❯❯
Whether you or someone you care about is struggling with drug addiction, one of the most important aspects when it comes to recovery is the rehab facility you decide upon. As you can imagine, choosing the right rehab facility to help you stay on track with your desire to stay clean, plays a major role in the process. What are things to consider and ask the facility that are important to know so... ❯❯❯
If someone you care about is struggling with drug addiction, the first thing to realize is that there is always help that you can turn to. One of the most difficult things for people that see their friends or family go through life battling a drug addiction is that they feel burdened by having to be responsible for that person. The truth is that what you do can have a significant impact on the... ❯❯❯
Every day in the news, a celebrity makes headlines for their bad behavior. In some circles, agreeing to enter rehab is a way to stay out of jail. However, there are those who enter rehab for treatment because they truly want help. Alcohol Addiction and Rehab After treatment in Nashville, Tennessee for cocaine abuse in 1998, Keith Urban returned to treatment at the Betty Ford Center in California... ❯❯❯