
Volunteer Opportunities: Getting Involved in Mental Health and Addiction Support

If you have struggled with mental health and addiction or you have someone close to you who has, you might have a particular soft spot for raising awareness and getting involved in mental health volunteer opportunities. Thankfully, there are several ways that you can offer support.

The Berman Center is a drug and alcohol rehab in Atlanta that can help you on your recovery journey. 

Find Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations come in many forms. They can help specific groups find the treatment they need. You can find volunteer opportunities working with nonprofits, often volunteering your time or money in a way that suits you.

Depending on the facility, you might be able to do things like:

  • Office work
  • Administration
  • Tech skills
  • Event hosting
  • Medical work
  • Legal work
  • Community programs

Nonprofits work as any other business, just without the same budgets or profits. If you are an attorney, you might be able to offer free legal skills, whereas if you are someone with a great deal of tech-savvy, you might be able to help them set up a more efficient website, better social media presence, or just improve their email services.

Try Volunteer Training

Volunteer training opportunities can come in equally abundant forms depending on the facility you choose. Volunteer training might be hosted by your city, a mental health or addiction service, a medical organization, or even a nonprofit organization.

Volunteer training is usually a preliminary step to mental health volunteer opportunities. Training can help anyone, no matter their skill set, start on even ground when it comes to participation in community events or fundraising campaigns.

With volunteer training, you can expect to donate your time over the course of several days or even a couple of weeks. 

Some facilities are able to offer training online using things like prepared slideshows or Zoom calls, while others have you come to a third-party site for hands-on training. You might even need third-party training like first aid certifications, which you can find in every major city across the United States. 

Attend Community Events

If there are community events going on in your area, your attendance could help raise awareness and money. These events might be educational in nature like training opportunities or informational sessions to raise awareness about mental health and addiction. 

Other Mental Health Volunteer Opportunities

If you are still trying to figure out where to find volunteer training opportunities or how to get involved in fundraising campaigns, you can reach out to The Berman Center. Our adult and teen therapy center in Atlanta has staff members on call at all hours, and they can answer questions you have about offering support for mental health and addiction.

Call us at 1-866-835-4855 to learn more about supporting those in need. 

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