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Addiction Recovery Guide (Page 5)

How Welltory HRV Monitoring App Can Improve Recovery

How Welltory HRV Monitoring App Can Improve RecoveryRecovering from addiction can be a challenging journey and for many people it's the most challengong of all. In this article we'll talk about Welltory, a tool that can easily be essential to develop habits that can help the body and mind heal. The app can assist recovering addicts in tracking their progress and making positive changes to their lifestyle.  One of the primary benefits of Welltory... ❯❯❯

How Drugs Can Affect Your Appearance: The Ugly Truth

We all know that drugs are not good for us. That’s something we learn from a young age, but while we know that it can lead to the likes of cancer, heart problems, liver problems and all manner of mental health issues, you may not be aware just how much drug abuse can impact your appearance too. Many illicit drugs have an impact on how we look, from opioid abuse to smoking cannabis, which is of... ❯❯❯

2 Common Addiction Problems in the Elderly

For many people, the thought of entering the later stages of life can bring feelings of joy. Becoming a senior citizen generally increases in free time, as jobs are ended after long and often stressful careers. This free time can be the opportunity to develop interesting pastimes and hobbies that spark the imagination, such as tracing the family history, or taking part in arts and crafts sessions... ❯❯❯

How Your Senior Living Choices Can Affect Your Recovery

Many people often forget that addiction recovery is generally a lifelong challenge and, as such, must be considered even into one's senior years. The lifestyle and living choices that are made by those in recovery as they move into old age will be critical to ensure a stronger more sustained recovery process. Here are the most common living choices that are suggested and used by those in... ❯❯❯

Set Yourself Up for Success in Sobriety

Once you’ve completed treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, remaining sober means you’ll need to practice new, healthy habits you might not have undertaken previously. Here’s how to set yourself up for success now that you’re no longer abusing substances. Keep on Track It is not a cliché to look at your recovery as something that must be managed one day at a time. Instead, it’s a nudge to... ❯❯❯

Use of Amphetamine in Jobs

Amphetamine is a stimulant used to enhance energy levels and focus in individuals. It is often used by students as a study aid. Users believe that the high levels of energy will help them focus and study more efficiently. However, a recent study published in TIME revealed that amphetamine users do not perform better than non-addicted people. However, they do feel more alert and focused. Amphetamin... ❯❯❯

4 Major Drug Abuse Effects on Families and Health

Drug abuse is one of the major thing which affects each and every woman’s life in various kind of manner. it is one of the most harmful thing which one person can ever do and the most important thing above all is that it affects the family more The family member always get disturb when they loved ones always get hurt. It is better than one person should always leave these kind of things and they... ❯❯❯

How to Tell Your Partner Is Addicted to Prescription Drugs

We’ve all had those days when we’ve had to fetch our partner’s prescription because they’re suffering. It’s never nice to see a loved one in pain and the support you give can be hugely helpful. We all have periods in our life where we need a prescription to overcome an ailment, but in some cases, that can lead to misuse and addiction. And it can be difficult to spot too. While prescription... ❯❯❯

The Importance of Detox in Addiction Treatment

Detox is an important first step in addiction treatment. It can help clear your body of drugs and alcohol, and prepare you for the next steps in your recovery. Detox can be uncomfortable, but it is a crucial part of getting clean and sober. During detox, your body will go through withdrawal as it adjusts to being without drugs or alcohol. Withdrawal can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting,... ❯❯❯

Different Types of Drug Tests: Urine, Saliva, Hair - Which One Do Employers Use Most and Why?

It's crucial to have a safe and healthy workforce. This is why the majority of employers test workers for drug use. But which testing method is most effective, and which methods are most commonly used by employers? About Urine, Saliva, and Hair Tests These are the primary methods of sample collection for drug tests. The most prevalent method is urine. According to Drug Policy Facts, 95% of... ❯❯❯