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Helping Yourself Get Over Your Alcoholism

Alcohol is one of the most common vices that most people get addicted to, and why not you ask? Well, drinking is so widely accepted that it can be a part of your daily routine. Drinking is not necessarily bad but it will be too hard to determine if you are just an average consumer of alcohol or if you’re addicted to it.

Once you’re addicted to alcohol, you will find it hard to quit drinking by your lonesome and you could not rely on anybody to help you get out of your alcoholism other than yourself. That is why you must have the drive to put a stop to your alcoholism once and for all. Here are some of the things that you can do to help yourself get pass through this dark stage in your life.

Listen to what people say. You will never know when you will need professional help unless you ask other people. They better know you and see the changes in you as they happen. So hear them out and listen to whatever it is that they have to say. They know what’s best for you and if they feel that you should seek professional help, chances are you really need so.

Find a reason to quit. The problem with people telling you to change your ways is that they have this tendency to impose their own reasons as to why you should quit. However, the best motivation one can have is his or her self-imposed goals. These goals have deeper meaning to you so you will be hard-pressed to do anything that you can to achieve them. So define to yourself why you’d want to quit. Once you have set your own goals, chances are, you’d be a better person.

Ask people to help you. If you plan on quitting, quitting alone is never easy, and is really difficult to achieve. Asking people to be by your side and help you with your soul-searching activities. With people beside you, you’d be motivated more to achieve these self-imposed goals faster and better.

Make the proper adjustments. Take any possible temptation away from you. If there are alcoholic drinks or bar ware in your abode, take them all out. If you’re used to going to places where alcohol is available, try to find out news places where you can hang out. Quitting is something that’s completely hard as it is. So don’t make your life harder by exposing yourself to temptation.

Track your progress. Another great motivator is progress. By tracking your successes you’d be more encouraged to turn away from drinking and be sober. If there are any needs for you to tweak your rehabilitation program, feel free to air them out. Have contingency plans that you can turn to when unavoidable situations where you’d be drinking pops out. This way, you’d have a well-rounded program that’ll get you well soon.

Give yourself a good pat in the back. Whenever you’ve achieved something in the roadmap to sobriety that you’ve set, give yourself a reward. Make sure that it is not alcohol though.

Hire the help of an expert. Never hesitate to ask the help of a great expert to help you with your recovery. Make sure that you stay in the program so that you’d be able to recover soon.

The fight to sobriety is one difficult challenge for people. So help yourself by coming up with a good rehabilitation plan that’ll teach you what to do to drop the vice quickly. Should you need the help of the experts. New Jersey Psychologists will be here and ready to serve you should the need for them arise.

About the author

Guest post written for Dr. Sam Von Reiche, expert  New Jersey psychologist specializing in psychotherapy, marriage counseling and treatment of addictions, adult ADD, depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder.